Germnova's Links



  • Sadgrl's website! This was basically my introduction to oldweb stuff. The website is totally decked out with super useful stuff, more than I can mention on just a single webpage. Go check them out!

  • Every Noise at Once. This is basically a website that displays every genre of music (ever) and allows the user to rank the genres on a multitude of subjects (e.g. popularity, youth, femininity, xmasness, etc.) Super useful if you're a huge music fan like me and love discovering new tunes!

  • 12ft Ladder. This website blocks paywalls and allows one to read a BUNCH more online that isn't usually available without a subscription.

  • Yestersearch!This website is just a search engine that only shows content from "old" websites, such as tripod, angelfire, and geocities restorativland! Super cool...

  • Flamingtext andMySpace text generator! These websites are test generators so someone can add cool graphics to their site, making it look extra decked out.

  • Geocities Restorativland. This website is probably the coolest of all if I could even rank them. It has so much old Geocities content, it's amazing. If, like myself, you never experienced the old web due to being too young or too busy or too sheltered or you want nostalgia with authentically old websites, this place has everything you're looking for and more! I could scroll for hours and hours on here without getting bored because of its titanic amount of content.
  • Cybervenus's Directory is one of the most useful things I've found on the web in all my years of surfing. Their link directory contains so many interesting things, I couldn't begin to name them all. It doesn't even stop on the clear web; the directory even has Tor links, although most of them are broken. I also got most of my "interesting" links from there, so definitely be sure to check them out when you have a lot of time to waste.
  • Fun:

  • iPod. This website connects to an Apple Music or Spotify account to play music from an "iPod". It has the layout and controls as an iPod. It's all digital, of course, but it brings back a lot of nostalgia.
  • Old/Interesting Websites:

  • /my little joint\

  • Erin's little corner of the Universe

  • VirtualKiss

  • Who do you love?

  • Everything Valentine's Day

  • Leah's Homepage

  • Daria's little padded room

  • Nicole's Bistro

  • Dianne's Bookcase

  • Catskills' Astronomy Club

  • Ms. Cat's Animal Valley

  • My attempt at a homepage...

  • Lady Rebecca's Site

  • Fusion Anomaly - Weird old website

  • Jeff Cenas (8 year old) Website

  • Fake Island's Website

  • Timecube Conspiracy Site

  • Heavens Gate... well known mass-suicide cult from the 90s' official Site

  • After the Rapture Pet Care

  • Old Film Review Site

  • NSA Conspiracy Site

  • Bungholio's Webpage (My Personal Favorite)
  • Hope this was useful! More coming soon...

    Piano Cover