genre: rock
(main) members: gerard way, frank iero, mikey way, ray toro
albums: i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love (2002), three cheers for sweet revenge (04), life on the murder scene (06), the black parade (06), the black parade is dead (08), danger days (10)
eps/singles: under pressure (2005), conventional weapons vol. 1-5 (12), the five of us are dying (16)
what i love about their music:
besides having been emo my entire time in middle school, i heavily appreciate the band members' musicianship. of course, it brings me a bout of nostalgia, but it also genuinely interests me. the enjoyment is all round--the music, the media presence, the album art, and the visuals all perfectly captured what they were trying to. they were extremely influential to the rise of mainstream emo in the mid-2000s, with "Welcome to the Black Parade" becoming a famous rhapsody of that era and the people participating in it. in its macabre style, it is still mostly theatrical; it is influenced by older artists, such as David Bowie and Queen. overall, my chemical romance is one of my favorite bands of all time and while listening, i am overcome by feelings of nostalgia and pure bliss.